Scientist Mechanical Body Modification Drawing


Cybertechnology or Cybernetics is the science of electronic, mechanical, and biological enhancement of living organisms. The term "cybernetic" comes from the Greek word κυβερνητικός significant "skilled in steering or governing". A Cyborg, a contraction of "cybernetic organism", is a being with both organic and biomechatronic body parts. The term cyberware, a contraction of cybernetic hardware is frequently applied to the enhanced mechanical parts.

Bionics, a portmanteau from biology and electronics, is the application of biological methods and systems to the design of engineering science systems. It is the written report of biological systems as a precedent to mechanical engineering that forms the basis for Cybernetics.

Cybernetics near primitive antecedents are the peg legs and hooks used to supervene upon missing legs and easily, inferior substitutes for the originals. Engineering advances fabricated prosthetic limbs progressively more than effective replacements for missing torso parts, until eventually the replacements became superior to the original organic component.

Once elective cybernetic enhancement becomes a reality, each society has to face a number of upstanding issues which are not hands resolved, and which invariably turn separate societies in different directions. Some cover cybernetic enhancement whole-heartedly, others reject it completely, and all the same others find an uneasy center ground.

Nigh all societies view cybernetically enhanced humans in unlike terms than "natural" humans, and a wide variety of slang (some derogatory) inevitably grows up to help ascertain that divergence.

Kinds of replacement technologies [edit]

Primitive Prosthetics are mechanical body parts, usually only limbs, that are semi-functional or not-functional. These are commonly fastened by straps but non surgically attached and have little or no mechanical operation. These are bachelor at TL–2.

Prosthetics are mechanical body parts that are mass-produced, functional replacements. They are surgically installed by a medical professional person, and are the almost economical type of replacement body parts, available at TL–ix.

Bionics are mechanical body parts that are individually custom-designed replacements, with greater functionality than the original torso office. Bionics are the most expensive type of replacement trunk function, available at TL–nine.

Regrowth is a method of replacing body parts involving stimulating the body to regrow its missing part. At TL–9, missing limbs can exist regrown, and at college tech levels damaged non-vital organs can be regrown in place in Metabolic Chambers. Regrowth is more expensive (and time-consuming) than a prosthetic, just is by and large cheaper than cloning and bionics.

Cloning involves taking one or more cells from the donor and growing a replacement body part (not an entire clone) in an artificial womb. By TL–13, new body parts of any kind can exist selectively cloned from the DNA of any body cell. Once grown, the new part is surgically fastened to the donor. Cloning costs about the same as regrowth during the growing menstruation, just surgical re-attachment of the new role is more than expensive than any of the other options.

Technology of Cybernetics [edit]

TL Type
5 Primitive prosthetics
6 Reconstructive surgery
7 Advanced plastic surgery
viii Total-office prosthetics
9 Direct encephalon-automobile interface. Early on controlled chemical manipulations of body systems
10 Enhanced performance prosthetics and subdermal armor
11 Direct figurer implantation
12 Advanced chemic manipulation of torso systems
xiii Genetic manipulation

Types of cybernetics [edit]

These are broken into five broad categories: sense modification, brain enhancements, body implants, peripherals, and therapy.

Sense modification are cybernetic modification to the chief sensory organs (eyes and ears). These require sensitive nervus connections. For many sophonts the sense organs are located in the same location in the body every bit the brain, making the surgery more than complicated and unsafe.

Brain enhancements are modifications directly to the brain. These deal with very sensitive nervus connections. These procedures tin be extremely unsafe if not done properly, and so they tend to exist the most expensive of the cybernetic enhancements.

Body implants include big systems which cannot easily be fit into the caput and which are instead mounted in the intestinal or thoracic cavity, sometimes replacing or displacing internal organs.

Larger systems cannot commonly exist fit within the skull and so are placed in the thoracic or abdominal crenel, usually anchored to the skeleton, and sometimes replacing part or all of an organ. Trunk implants include four general areas: respiratory implants, electronics, dermal alteration, and computer implants.

Peripherals are modifications to the arms, legs, and if present tails and proboscis, either for improved performance or adaptation of limbs to special functions.

Therapy consists of organic modification of the character's torso, either through drugs, genetic manipulation, or surgical procedure.

Design [edit]

The various parts of the cybernetics, including elements such as the casing, microelectronics, and connections to the arterial and fretfulness organisation are made with biocompatible materials. These may include metal alloys, carbon nanotubes, silicon gels, and layered polymers.

The exact size and dimensions of the cybernetics are tailored to match the physical characteristics of the recipient. How closely the cybernetics are matched to the recipient depends on the technology involved and the desires of the recipient. Lower quality cybernetics are manufactured in generic sizes which fit nigh users. Higher quality cybernetics are precisely custom fit with the ability to adjust to the irresolute physical characteristics of the user.

Most peripheral cybernetics have a realistic appearance with constructed peel, silent operation and normal trunk temperatures. By TL–10 distinguishing betwixt natural limbs and cybernetic replacements requires a detailed examination or Awareness sense. Some individuals adopt a colorful or bizarre finish or leave the internal mechanics exposed.

Power [edit]

Many of the cybernetic enhancements detailed crave the input of electrical ability to function. This ability is produced in i of ii ways.

Items that need only small amounts of ability, such every bit various passive sensor eyes, are powered by tiny thermoelectric generators that produce the needed electrical power from body heat. These generators are subsumed within the book, weight, and cost of the item.

Other items, particularly those which transmit energy (agile sensors and radio or video transmitters) and enhance strength, have thermoelectric power supplemented by tiny long-life batteries, too subsumed within the volume, weight, and price of the item. These batteries must exist periodically recharged past a specialized adapter which tin convert standard current into a course suitable to the batteries.

Cybernetics [edit]

Body implant cyberware [edit]

  • Aquatic skin
  • Cybernetic Adrenals
  • Cybernetic Heart
  • Cybernetic Kidneys
  • Cybernetic Lungs
  • Cybernetic Tum
  • Gill Implants
  • Neural sheathing
  • Subdermal armor
  • Synthetic Chiliad-I Tract
  • Vacuum skin

Encephalon enhancement cyberware [edit]

  • Contact interface
  • Implanted computer
  • Waferjack

Peripheral cyberware [edit]

  • Advanced Cybernetic Arm
  • Advanced Cybernetic Hand
  • Basic Cybernetic Arm
  • Bones Cybernetic Leg
  • Gainsay Hand
  • Grav Cap
  • Heavy Duty Cybernetic Arm

Sense modification cyberware [edit]

  • Cybernetic ears
  • Cybernetic eyes
  • Implanted inertial navigation organisation
  • Implanted neural action sensor
  • Implanted radar
  • Implanted sonar

See also [edit]

Biotechnology [edit]

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Cybertechnology [edit]

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Lifeform Sciences [edit]

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Technologies [edit]

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NBIC Technologies [edit]

    • N - Nano Science / Nanotechnology (Nano-)
    • B - Biology / Biotechnology (Bio-)
    • I - Information Applied science (Info-)
    • C - Cognitive Science / Cybertechnology / (Cogno-)

References & Contributors (Sources) [edit]

  • Mike Jackson. "Cyborgs part 1."Third Imperium 04 (1986): sixteen-18.
  • Mike Jackson. "Cyborgs part ii."Third Imperium 05 (1987): 4-5.
  • Mike Jackson. "Cyborgs part 3."Third Imperium 06 (1987): 4-five.
  • Gary L. Thomas. "Replacement Body Parts, Office ane."The Travellers' Digest 12 (1989): 35-38.
  • Gary Fifty. Thomas. "Replacement Body Parts, Function ii."The Travellers' Digest 13 (1989): 32-39.
  • Frank Chadwick, Dave Nilsen. Burn down, Fusion, & Steel (Game Designers Workshop, 1994), 79-86.
  • Rob Bruce, Kevin Walsh, Randy Hollingsworth. Traveller Hero Book Two (ComStar Games, 2007), .
  • Alan Oliver. "Augumetics and Prosthetics (Supplement)." Signs & Portents 82 (July 2010): 24-33
  • Pete Nash, Nick Robinson. Cybernetics (Mongoose Publishing, 2011), 33-75.


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